
carrion crow

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Carrion \Car"ri*on\, a.
   Of or pertaining to dead and putrefying carcasses; feeding on

         A prey for carrion kites.                --Shak.

   {Carrion beetle} (Zo["o]l.), any beetle that feeds habitually
      on dead animals; -- also called {sexton beetle} and
      {burying beetle}. There are many kinds, belonging mostly
      to the family {Silphid[ae]}.

   {Carrion buzzard} (Zo["o]l.), a South American bird of
      several species and genera (as {Ibycter}, {Milvago}, and
      {Polyborus}), which act as scavengers. See {Caracara}.

   {Carrion crow}, the common European crow ({Corvus corone})
      which feeds on carrion, insects, fruits, and seeds.

Crow \Crow\, n. [AS. cr?we a crow (in sense 1); akin to D.
   kraai, G. kr?e; cf. Icel. kr?ka crow. So named from its cry,
   from AS. cr?wan to crow. See {Crow}, v. i. ]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) A bird, usually black, of the genus {Corvus},
      having a strong conical beak, with projecting bristles. It
      has a harsh, croaking note. See {Caw}.

   Note: The common crow of Europe, or carrion crow, is {C.
         corone}. The common American crow is {C. Americanus}.
         See {Carrion crow}, and Illustr., under {Carrion}.

   2. A bar of iron with a beak, crook, or claw; a bar of iron
      used as a lever; a crowbar.

            Get me an iron crow, and bring it straight Unto my
            cell.                                 --Shak.

   3. The cry of the cock. See {Crow}, v. i., 1.

   4. The mesentery of a beast; -- so called by butchers.

   {Carrion crow}. See under {Carrion}.

   {Crow blackbird} (Zo["o]l.), an American bird ({Quiscalus
      quiscula}); -- called also {purple grackle}.

   {Crow pheasant} (Zo["o]l.), an Indian cuckoo; the common
      coucal. It is believed by the natives to give omens. See

   {Crow shrike} (Zo["o]l.), any bird of the genera
      {Gymnorhina}, {Craticus}, or {Strepera}, mostly from

   {Red-legged crow}. See {Crough}.

   {As the crow flies}, in a direct line.

   {To pick a crow}, {To pluck a crow}, to state and adjust a
      difference or grievance (with any one).

资料来源 : WordNet®

carrion crow
     n : American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard [syn: {black
         vulture}, {Coragyps atratus}]
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