
carrion fly

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

, but contains in adition a large number of crystalline bodies,
such as creatin, xanthin, hypoxanthin, carnin, etc. It is also
rich in phosphate of potash.

   2. Animal food, in distinction from vegetable; meat;
      especially, the body of beasts and birds used as food, as
      distinguished from fish.

            With roasted flesh, or milk, and wastel bread.

   3. The human body, as distinguished from the soul; the
      corporeal person.

            As if this flesh, which walls about our life, Were
            brass impregnable.                    --Shak.

   4. The human eace; mankind; humanity.

            All flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth.
                                                  --Gen. vi. 12.

   5. Human nature:
      (a) In a good sense, tenderness of feeling; gentleness.

                There is no flesh in man's obdurate heart.
      (b) In a bad sense, tendency to transient or physical
          pleasure; desire for sensual gratification; carnality.
      (c) (Theol.) The character under the influence of animal
          propensities or selfish passions; the soul unmoved by
          spiritual influences.

   6. Kindred; stock; race.

            He is our brother and our flesh.      --Gen. xxxvii.

   7. The soft, pulpy substance of fruit; also, that part of a
      root, fruit, and the like, which is fit to be eaten.

   Note: Flesh is often used adjectively or self-explaining
         compounds; as, flesh broth or flesh-broth; flesh brush
         or fleshbrush; flesh tint or flesh-tint; flesh wound.

   {After the flesh}, after the manner of man; in a gross or
      earthly manner. ``Ye judge after the flesh.'' --John viii.

   {An arm of flesh}, human strength or aid.

   {Flesh and blood}. See under {Blood}.

   {Flesh broth}, broth made by boiling flesh in water.

   {Flesh fly} (Zo["o]l.), one of several species of flies whose
      larv[ae] or maggots feed upon flesh, as the bluebottle
      fly; -- called also {meat fly}, {carrion fly}, and
      {blowfly}. See {Blowly}.

   {Flesh meat}, animal food. --Swift.

   {Flesh side}, the side of a skin or hide which was next to
      the flesh; -- opposed to grain side.

   {Flesh tint} (Painting), a color used in painting to imitate
      the hue of the living body.

   {Flesh worm} (Zo["o]l.), any insect larva of a flesh fly. See
      {Flesh fly} (above).

   {Proud flesh}. See under {Proud}.

   {To be one flesh}, to be closely united as in marriage; to
      become as one person. --Gen. ii. 24.
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