

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Approval \Ap*prov"al\, n.
   Approbation; sanction.

         A censor . . . without whose approval n? capital
         sentences are to be executed.            --Temple.

   Syn: See {Approbation}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: the formal act of giving approval; "he gave the project his
          blessing"; "his decision merited the approval of any
          sensible person" [syn: {blessing}, {approving}] [ant: {disapproval}]
     2: a feeling of liking something or someone good; "although she
        fussed at them, she secretly viewed all her children with
        approval" [ant: {disapproval}]
     3: acceptance as satisfactory; "he bought it on approval" [syn:
         {favorable reception}, {favourable reception}]
     4: a message expressing a favorable opinion; "words of approval
        seldom passed his lips" [syn: {commendation}] [ant: {disapproval}]
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