

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Approve \Ap*prove"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Approved}; p. pr. &
   vb. n. {Approving}.] [OE. aproven, appreven, to prove, OF.
   aprover, F. approuver, to approve, fr. L. approbare; ad +
   probare to esteem as good, approve, prove. See {Prove}, and
   cf. {Approbate}.]
   1. To show to be real or true; to prove. [Obs.]

            Wouldst thou approve thy constancy? Approve First
            thy obedience.                        --Milton.

   2. To make proof of; to demonstrate; to prove or show

            Opportunities to approve . . . worth. --Emerson.

            He had approved himself a great warrior. --Macaulay.

            'T is an old lesson; Time approves it true. --Byron.

            His account . . . approves him a man of thought.

   3. To sanction officially; to ratify; to confirm; as, to
      approve the decision of a court-martial.

   4. To regard as good; to commend; to be pleased with; to
      think well of; as, we approve the measured of the

   5. To make or show to be worthy of approbation or acceptance.

            The first care and concern must be to approve
            himself to God.                       --Rogers.

   Note: This word, when it signifies to be pleased with, to
         think favorably (of), is often followed by of.

               They had not approved of the deposition of James.

               They approved of the political institutions. --W.

Approving \Ap*prov"ing\, a.
   Expressing approbation; commending; as, an approving smile.
   -- {Ap*prov"ing*ly}, adv.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj : expressing or manifesting praise or approval; "approbative
           criticism" [syn: {approbative}, {approbatory}, {plausive}]

     n : the formal act of giving approval; "he gave the project his
         blessing"; "his decision merited the approval of any
         sensible person" [syn: {blessing}, {approval}] [ant: {disapproval}]
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