
The rabble

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Rabble \Rab"ble\, n. [Probably named from the noise made by it
   (see {Rabble}, v. t.) cf. D. rapalje rabble, OF. & Prov. F.
   1. A tumultuous crowd of vulgar, noise people; a mob; a
      confused, disorderly throng.

            I saw, I say, come out of London, even unto the
            presence of the prince, a great rabble of mean and
            light persons.                        --Ascham.

            Jupiter, Mercury, Bacchus, Venus, Mars and the whole
            rabble of licentious deities.         --Bp.

   2. A confused, incoherent discourse; a medley of voices; a

   {The rabble}, the lowest class of people, without reference
      to an assembly; the dregs of the people. ``The rabble call
      him `lord.''' --Shak.
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