
The rather

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Rather \Rath"er\, adv. [AS. hra[eth]or, compar. of hra[eth]e,
   hr[ae][eth]e, quickly, immediately. See {Rath}, a.]
   1. Earlier; sooner; before. [Obs.]

            Thou shalt, quod he, be rather false than I.

            A good mean to come the rather to grace. --Foxe.

   2. More readily or willingly; preferably.

            My soul chooseth . . . death rather than my life.
                                                  --Job vii. 15.

   3. On the other hand; to the contrary of what was said or
      suggested; instead.

            Was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse. --Mark
                                                  v. 26.

   4. Of two alternatives conceived of, by preference to, or as
      more likely than, the other; somewhat.

            He sought throughout the world, but sought in vain,
            And nowhere finding, rather feared her slain.

   5. More properly; more correctly speaking.

            This is an art Which does mend nature, change it
            rather, but The art itself is nature. --Shak.

   6. In some degree; somewhat; as, the day is rather warm; the
      house is rather damp.

   {The rather}, the more so; especially; for better reason; for
      particular cause.

            You are come to me in happy time, The rather for I
            have some sport in hand.              --Shak.

   {Had rather}, or {Would rather}, prefer to; prefers to; as,
      he had, or would, rather go than stay. ``I had rather
      speak five words with my understanding than ten thousands
      words in an unknown tongue.'' --1 Cor. xiv. 19. See {Had
      rather}, under {Had}.
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