
The Magdeburg Centuries

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Century \Cen"tu*ry\, n.; pl. {Centuries}. [L. centuria (in
   senses 1 & 3), fr. centum a hundred: cf. F. centurie. See
   1. A hundred; as, a century of sonnets; an aggregate of a
      hundred things. [Archaic.]

            And on it said a century of prayers.  --Shak.

   2. A period of a hundred years; as, this event took place
      over two centuries ago.

   Note: Century, in the reckoning of time, although often used
         in a general way of any series of hundred consecutive
         years (as, a century of temperance work), usually
         signifies a division of the Christian era, consisting
         of a period of one hundred years ending with the
         hundredth year from which it is named; as, the first
         century ({a}. {d}. 1-100 inclusive); the seventh
         century ({a}.{d}. 601-700); the eighteenth century
         ({a}.{d}. 1701-1800). With words or phrases connecting
         it with some other system of chronology it is used of
         similar division of those eras; as, the first century
         of Rome (A.U.C. 1-100).

   3. (Rom. Antiq.)
      (a) A division of the Roman people formed according to
          their property, for the purpose of voting for civil
      (b) One of sixty companies into which a legion of the army
          was divided. It was Commanded by a centurion.

   {Century plant} (Bot.), the {Agave Americana}, formerly
      supposed to flower but once in a century; -- hence the
      name. See {Agave}.

   {The Magdeburg Centuries}, an ecclesiastical history of the
      first thirteen centuries, arranged in thirteen volumes,
      compiled in the 16th century by Protestant scholars at
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