
the majority

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Majority \Ma*jor"i*ty\, n.; pl. {Majorities}. [F. majorit['e].
   See {Major}.]
   1. The quality or condition of being major or greater;
      superiority. Specifically:
      (a) The military rank of a major.
      (b) The condition of being of full age, or authorized by
          law to manage one's own affairs.

   2. The greater number; more than half; as, a majority of
      mankind; a majority of the votes cast.

   3. [Cf. L. majores.] Ancestors; ancestry. [Obs.]

   4. The amount or number by which one aggregate exceeds all
      other aggregates with which it is contrasted; especially,
      the number by which the votes for a successful candidate
      exceed those for all other candidates; as, he is elected
      by a majority of five hundred votes. See {Plurality}.

   {To go over to, or To join}, {the majority}, to die.
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