
The Cape

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Cape \Cape\ (k[=a]p), n. [F. cap, fr. It. capo head, cape, fr.
   L. caput heat, end, point. See {Chief}.]
   A piece or point of land, extending beyond the adjacent coast
   into the sea or a lake; a promontory; a headland.

   {Cape buffalo} (Zo["o]l.) a large and powerful buffalo of
      South Africa ({Bubalus Caffer}). It is said to be the most
      dangerous wild beast of Africa. See {Buffalo}, 2.

   {Cape jasmine}, {Cape jassamine}. See {Jasmine}.

   {Cape pigeon} (Zo["o]l.), a petrel ({Daptium Capense}) common
      off the Cape of Good Hope. It is about the size of a

   {Cape wine}, wine made in South Africa [Eng.]

   {The Cape}, the Cape of Good Hope, in the general sense of
      southern extremity of Africa. Also used of Cape Horn, and,
      in New England, of Cape Cod.
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