
The chapter of accidents

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Chapter \Chap"ter\, n. [OF. chapitre, F. chapitre, fr. L.
   capitulum, dim. of caput head, the chief person or thing, the
   principal division of a writing, chapter. See {Chief}, and
   cf, {Chapiter}.]
   1. A division of a book or treatise; as, Genesis has fifty

   2. (Eccl.)
      (a) An assembly of monks, or of the prebends and other
          clergymen connected with a cathedral, conventual, or
          collegiate church, or of a diocese, usually presided
          over by the dean.
      (b) A community of canons or canonesses.
      (c) A bishop's council.
      (d) A business meeting of any religious community.

   3. An organized branch of some society or fraternity as of
      the Freemasons. --Robertson.

   4. A meeting of certain organized societies or orders.

   5. A chapter house. [R.] --Burrill.

   6. A decretal epistle. --Ayliffe.

   7. A location or compartment.

            In his bosom! In what chapter of his bosom? --Shak.

   {Chapter head}, or {Chapter heading}, that which stands at
      the head of a chapter, as a title.

   {Chapter house}, a house or room where a chapter meets, esp.
      a cathedral chapter.

   {The chapter of accidents}, chance. --Marryat.
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