
Aquila audax

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Wedge-tailed \Wedge"-tailed"\, a. (Zo["o]l.)
   Having a tail which has the middle pair of feathers longest,
   the rest successively and decidedly shorter, and all more or
   less attenuate; -- said of certain birds. See Illust. of
   {Wood hoopoe}, under {Wood}.

   {Wedge-tailed eagle}, an Australian eagle ({Aquila audax})
      which feeds on various small species of kangaroos, and on
      lambs; -- called also {mountain eagle}, {bold eagle}, and
      {eagle hawk}.

   {Wedge-tailed gull}, an arctic gull ({Rhodostethia rosea}) in
      which the plumage is tinged with rose; -- called also
      {Ross's gull}.

Bold eagle \Bold eagle\, (Zo["o]l.)
   an Australian eagle ({Aquila audax}), which destroys lambs
   and even the kangaroo.

   {To make bold}, to take liberties or the liberty; to venture.

   Syn: Courageous; daring; brave; intrepid; fearless;
        dauntless; valiant; manful; audacious; stouthearted;
        high-spirited; adventurous; confident; strenuous;
        forward; impudent.
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