
Aquila chrysaetus

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Eagle \Ea"gle\, n. [OE. egle, F. aigle, fr. L. aquila; prob.
   named from its color, fr. aquilus dark-colored, brown; cf.
   Lith. aklas blind. Cf. {Aquiline}.]
   1. (Zo["o]l.) Any large, rapacious bird of the Falcon family,
      esp. of the genera {Aquila} and {Hali[ae]etus}. The eagle
      is remarkable for strength, size, graceful figure,
      keenness of vision, and extraordinary flight. The most
      noted species are the golden eagle ({Aquila
      chrysa["e]tus}); the imperial eagle of Europe ({A.
      mogilnik or imperialis}); the American bald eagle
      ({Hali[ae]etus leucocephalus}); the European sea eagle
      ({H. albicilla}); and the great harpy eagle ({Thrasaetus
      harpyia}). The figure of the eagle, as the king of birds,
      is commonly used as an heraldic emblem, and also for
      standards and emblematic devices. See {Bald eagle},
      {Harpy}, and {Golden eagle}.

   2. A gold coin of the United States, of the value of ten

   3. (Astron.) A northern constellation, containing Altair, a
      star of the first magnitude. See {Aquila}.

   4. The figure of an eagle borne as an emblem on the standard
      of the ancient Romans, or so used upon the seal or
      standard of any people.

            Though the Roman eagle shadow thee.   --Tennyson.

   Note: Some modern nations, as the United States, and France
         under the Bonapartes, have adopted the eagle as their
         national emblem. Russia, Austria, and Prussia have for
         an emblem a double-headed eagle.

   {Bald eagle}. See {Bald eagle}.

   {Bold eagle}. See under {Bold}.

   {Double eagle}, a gold coin of the United States worth twenty

   {Eagle hawk} (Zo["o]l.), a large, crested, South American
      hawk of the genus {Morphnus}.

   {Eagle owl} (Zo["o]l.), any large owl of the genus {Bubo},
      and allied genera; as the American great horned owl ({Bubo
      Virginianus}), and the allied European species ({B.
      maximus}). See {Horned owl}.

   {Eagle ray} (Zo["o]l.), any large species of ray of the genus
      {Myliobatis} (esp. {M. aquila}).

   {Eagle vulture} (Zo["o]l.), a large West African bid
      ({Gypohierax Angolensis}), intermediate, in several
      respects, between the eagles and vultures.
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