

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Refund \Re*fund"\ (r?*f?nd"), v. t. [Pref. re- + fund.]
   To fund again or anew; to replace (a fund or loan) by a new
   fund; as, to refund a railroad loan.

Refund \Re*fund"\ (r?*f?nd"), v. t. [L. refundere; pref. re- re-
   + fundere to pour: cf. F. refondre, refonder. See {Fuse} to
   melt, and cf. {Refound} to cast again, 1st {Refuse}.]
   1. To pour back. [R. & Obs.]

            Were the humors of the eye tinctured with any color,
            they would refund that color upon the object. --Ray.

   2. To give back; to repay; to restore.

            A governor, that had pillaged the people, was . . .
            sentenced to refund what he had wrongfully taken.

   3. To supply again with funds; to reimburse. [Obs.]

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: money returned to a payer
     2: the act of returning money received previously [syn: {repayment}]
     v : pay back; "Please refund me my money" [syn: {return}, {repay},
          {give back}]
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