

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Fillet \Fil"let\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Filleted}; p. pr. & vb.
   n. {Filleting}.]
   To bind, furnish, or adorn with a fillet.

Fillet \Fil"let\, n. [OE. filet, felet, fr. OF. filet thread,
   fillet of meat, dim. of fil a thread, fr. L. filum. See
   {Fille} a row.]
   1. A little band, especially one intended to encircle the
      hair of the head.

            A belt her waist, a fillet binds her hair. --Pope.

   2. (Cooking) A piece of lean meat without bone; sometimes, a
      long strip rolled together and tied.

   Note: A fillet of beef is the under side of the sirlom; also
         called tenderloin. A fillet of veal or mutton is the
         fleshy part of the thigh. A fillet of fish is a slice
         of flat fish without bone. ``Fillet of a fenny snake.''

   3. A thin strip or ribbon; esp.:
      (a) A strip of metal from which coins are punched.
      (b) A strip of card clothing.
      (c) A thin projecting band or strip.

   4. (Mach.) A concave filling in of a re["e]ntrant angle where
      two surfaces meet, forming a rounded corner.

   5. (Arch.) A narrow flat member; especially, a flat molding
      separating other moldings; a reglet; also, the space
      between two flutings in a shaft. See Illust. of {Base},
      and {Column}.

   6. (Her.) An ordinary equaling in breadth one fourth of the
      chief, to the lowest portion of which it corresponds in

   7. (Mech.) The thread of a screw.

   8. A border of broad or narrow lines of color or gilt.

   9. The raised molding about the muzzle of a gun.

   10. Any scantling smaller than a batten.

   11. (Anat.) A fascia; a band of fibers; applied esp. to
       certain bands of white matter in the brain.

   12. (Man.) The loins of a horse, beginning at the place where
       the hinder part of the saddle rests.

   {Arris fillet}. See under {Arris}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     v 1: decorate with a lace of geometric designs [syn: {filet}]
     2: cut into filets; "filet the fish" [syn: {filet}]

     n 1: a boneless steak cut from the tenderloin of beef [syn: {filet}]
     2: a longitudinal slice or boned side of a fish [syn: {filet},
        {fish fillet}, {fish filet}]
     3: a bundle of sensory nerve fibers going to the thalamus [syn:
     4: a narrow headband or strip of ribbon worn as a headband
        [syn: {taenia}, {tenia}]
     5: fastener consisting of a narrow strip of welded metal used
        to join steel members [syn: {stopping}]
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