

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Feeze \Feeze\, n.
   Fretful excitement. [Obs.] See {Feaze}.

Feeze \Feeze\, v. t. [For sense 1, cf. F. visser to screw, vis
   screw, or 1st E. feaze, v.t.: for sense 2, see {Feese}.]
   1. To turn, as a screw. [Scot] --Jamieson.

   2. To beat; to chastise; to humble; to worry. [Obs.] [Written
      also {feaze}, {feize}, {pheese}.] --Beau. & Fl.

   {To feeze up}, to work into a passion. [Obs.]
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