

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Withy \With"y\, n.; pl. {Withies}. [OE. withe, wipi, AS.
   w[=i]?ig a willow, willow twig; akin to G. weide willow, OHG.
   w[=i]da, Icel. v[=i]?ja, a withy, Sw. vide a willow twig,
   Dan. vidie a willow, osier, Gr. ?, and probably to L. vitis a
   vine, viere to plait, Russ. vite. [root]141. Cf. {Wine},
   1. (Bot.) The osier willow ({Salix viminalis}). See {Osier},
      (a) .

   2. A withe. See {Withe}, 1.

Withy \With"y\, a.
   Made of withes; like a withe; flexible and tough; also,
   abounding in withes.

         The stream is brimful now, and lies high in this little
         withy plantation.                        --G. Eliot.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : strong flexible twig [syn: {withe}]
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