

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Within \With*in"\, prep. [OE. withinne, withinnen, AS.
   wi[eth]innan; wi[eth] with, against, toward + innan in,
   inwardly, within, from in in. See {With}, prep., {In}, prep.]
   1. In the inner or interior part of; inside of; not without;
      as, within doors.

            O, unhappy youth! Come not within these doors;
            within this roof The enemy of all your graces lives.

            Till this be cured by religion, it is as impossible
            for a man to be happy -- that is, pleased and
            contented within himself -- as it is for a sick man
            to be at ease.                        --Tillotson.

   2. In the limits or compass of; not further in length than;
      as, within five miles; not longer in time than; as, within
      an hour; not exceeding in quantity; as, expenses kept
      within one's income. ``That he repair should again within
      a little while.'' --Chaucer.

            Within these five hours lived Lord Hastings,
            Untainted, unexamined, free, at liberty. --Shak.

   3. Hence, inside the limits, reach, or influence of; not
      going outside of; not beyond, overstepping, exceeding, or
      the like.

            Both he and she are still within my power. --Dryden.

            Within himself The danger lies, yet lies within his
            power.                                --Milton.

            Were every action concluded within itself, and drew
            no consequence after it, we should, undoubtedly,
            never err in our choice of good.      --Locke.

Within \With*in"\, adv.
   1. In the inner part; inwardly; internally. ``The wound
      festers within.'' --Carew.

            Ills from within thy reason must prevent. --Dryden.

   2. In the house; in doors; as, the master is within.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adv : on the inside; "inside, the car is a mess" [syn: {inside}]
           [ant: {outside}]
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