

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Winged \Winged\, a.
   1. Furnished with wings; transported by flying; having
      winglike expansions.

   2. Soaring with wings, or as if with wings; hence, elevated;
      lofty; sublime. [R.]

            How winged the sentiment that virtue is to be
            followed for its own sake.            --J. S.

   3. Swift; rapid. ``Bear this sealed brief with winged haste
      to the lord marshal.'' --Shak.

   4. Wounded or hurt in the wing.

   5. (Bot.) Furnished with a leaflike appendage, as the fruit
      of the elm and the ash, or the stem in certain plants;

   6. (Her.) Represented with wings, or having wings, of a
      different tincture from the body.

   7. Fanned with wings; swarming with birds. ``The winged air
      darked with plumes.'' --Milton.

Wing \Wing\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Winged}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   1. To furnish with wings; to enable to fly, or to move with

            Who heaves old ocean, and whowings the storms.

            Living, to wing with mirth the weary hours.

   2. To supply with wings or sidepieces.

            The main battle, whose puissance on either side
            Shall be well winged with our chiefest horse.

   3. To transport by flight; to cause to fly.

            I, an old turtle, Will wing me to some withered
            bough.                                --Shak.

   4. To move through in flight; to fly through.

            There's not an arrow wings the sky But fancy turns
            its point to him.                     --Moore.

   5. To cut off the wings of; to wound in the wing; to disable
      a wing of; as, to wing a bird.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: having or as if having wings; "the winged feet of Mercury";
            [ant: {wingless}]
     2: very fast; as if with wings; "on winged feet"
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