

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Will \Will\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Willed}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Willing}. Indic. present I will, thou willeth, he wills; we,
   ye, they will.] [Cf. AS. willian. See {Will}, n.]
   1. To form a distinct volition of; to determine by an act of
      choice; to ordain; to decree. ``What she will to do or
      say.'' --Milton.

            By all law and reason, that which the Parliament
            will not, is no more established in this kingdom.

            Two things he [God] willeth, that we should be good,
            and that we should be happy.          --Barrow.

   2. To enjoin or command, as that which is determined by an
      act of volition; to direct; to order. [Obs. or R.]

            They willed me say so, madam.         --Shak.

            Send for music, And will the cooks to use their best
            of cunning To please the palate.      --Beau. & Fl.

            As you go, will the lord mayor . . . To attend our
            further pleasure presently.           --J. Webster.

   3. To give or direct the disposal of by testament; to
      bequeath; to devise; as, to will one's estate to a child;
      also, to order or direct by testament; as, he willed that
      his nephew should have his watch.

Willing \Will"ing\, a. [From {Will}, v. t.]
   1. Free to do or to grant; having the mind inclined; not
      opposed in mind; not choosing to refuse; disposed; not
      averse; desirous; consenting; complying; ready.

            Felix, willing to show the Jews a pleasure, left
            Paul bound.                           --Acts xxiv.

            With wearied wings and willing feet.  --Milton.

            [Fruit] shaken in August from the willing boughs.

   2. Received of choice, or without reluctance; submitted to
      voluntarily; chosen; desired.

            [They] are held, with his melodious harmony, In
            willing chains and sweet captivity.   --Milton.

   3. Spontaneous; self-moved. [R.]

            No spouts of blood run willing from a tree.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: disposed or inclined toward; "a willing participant";
            "willing helpers" [ant: {unwilling}]
     2: not brought about by coercion or force; "the confession was
        uncoerced" [syn: {uncoerced}, {unforced}]
     3: disposed or willing to comply; "someone amenable to
        persuasion"; "the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh
        is weak"- Matthew 26:41 [syn: {amenable}, {conformable}]

     n : the act of making a choice; "followed my father of my own
         volition" [syn: {volition}]
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