

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Whore \Whore\, n. [OE. hore, AS. h?re; akin to D. hoer, hoere,
   G. hure, OHG. huora, huorra, Icel. h?ra, Dan. hore, Sw. hora,
   Goth. h?rs an adulterer, AS. h?r adultery, OHG. huor, and
   probably to L. carus dear. Cf. {Charity}.]
   A woman who practices unlawful sexual commerce with men,
   especially one who prostitutes her body for hire; a
   prostitute; a harlot. --Wyclif.

   Syn: Harlot; courtesan; prostitute; strumpet.

Whore \Whore\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Whored}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Whoring}.] [Cf. Icel. h?ra. See {Whore}, n.]
   1. To have unlawful sexual intercourse; to practice lewdness.

   2. (Script.) To worship false and impure gods.

Whore \Whore\, v. t.
   To corrupt by lewd intercourse; to make a whore of; to
   debauch. [R.] --Congreve.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : a woman who engages in sexual intercourse for money [syn: {prostitute},
          {cocotte}, {harlot}, {bawd}, {tart}, {cyprian}, {fancy
         woman}, {working girl}, {sporting lady}, {lady of
         pleasure}, {woman of the street}]

     v 1: corrupt by lewd intercourse
     2: have unlawful sex with a whore
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