

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Whitecap \White"cap`\, n.
   1. (Zo["o]l.)
      (a) The European redstart; -- so called from its white
      (b) The whitethroat; -- so called from its gray head.
      (c) The European tree sparrow.

   2. A wave whose crest breaks into white foam, as when the
      wind is freshening.

Whist \Whist\, n.

   {Bridge whist}. See {Bridge}, n., above.

   {Duplicate whist}, a form of whist in playing which the hands
      are preserved as dealt and played again by other players,
      as when each side holds in the second round the cards
      played by the opposing side in the first round.

   {Solo whist}. See {Solo whist}, above. Whitecap \White"cap`\,
   A member of a self-appointed vigilance committee attempting
   by lynch-law methods to drive away or coerce persons
   obnoxious to it. Some early ones wore white hoods or masks.
   [U. S.] -- {White"cap`}, v. -- {White"cap`per}, n.

Whist \Whist\, n.

   {Bridge whist}. See {Bridge}, n., above.

   {Duplicate whist}, a form of whist in playing which the hands
      are preserved as dealt and played again by other players,
      as when each side holds in the second round the cards
      played by the opposing side in the first round.

   {Solo whist}. See {Solo whist}, above. Whitecap \White"cap`\,
   A member of a self-appointed vigilance committee attempting
   by lynch-law methods to drive away or coerce persons
   obnoxious to it. Some early ones wore white hoods or masks.
   [U. S.] -- {White"cap`}, v. -- {White"cap`per}, n.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : a wave that is blown by the wind so its crest is broken and
         appears white [syn: {white horse}]
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