
white bedstraw

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bedstraw \Bed"straw`\, n.
   1. Straw put into a bed. --Bacon.

   2. (Bot.) A genus of slender herbs, usually with square
      stems, whorled leaves, and small white flowers.

   {Our Lady's bedstraw}, which has yellow flowers, is {Galium

   {White bedstraw} is {G. mollugo}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

white bedstraw
     n : Eurasian herb with ample panicles of small white flowers;
         naturalized in North America [syn: {wild madder}, {white
         madder}, {infant's-breath}, {false baby's breath}, {Galium
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