

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Whit \Whit\, n. [OE. wight, wiht, AS. wiht a creature, a thing.
   See {Wight}, and cf. {Aught}, {Naught}.]
   The smallest part or particle imaginable; a bit; a jot; an
   iota; -- generally used in an adverbial phrase in a negative
   sentence. ``Samuel told him every whit.'' --1 Sam. iii. 18.
   ``Every whit as great.'' --South.

         So shall I no whit be behind in duty.    --Shak.

         It does not me a whit displease.         --Cowley.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : a tiny or scarcely detectable amount [syn: {shred}, {scintilla},
          {iota}, {tittle}, {smidgen}, {smidgeon}, {smidgin}, {smidge}]
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