

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Whet \Whet\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Whetted}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Whetting}.] [AS. hwettan; akin to D. wetten, G. wetzen, OHG.
   wezzen, Icel. hvetja, Sw. v["a]ttja, and AS. hw[ae]t
   vigorous, brave, OS. hwat, OHG. waz, was, sharp, Icel. hvatr,
   bold, active, Sw. hvass sharp, Dan. hvas, Goth. hwassaba
   sharply, and probably to Skr. cud to impel, urge on.]
   1. To rub or on with some substance, as a piece of stone, for
      the purpose of sharpening; to sharpen by attrition; as, to
      whet a knife.

            The mower whets his scythe.           --Milton.

            Here roams the wolf, the eagle whets his beak.

   2. To make sharp, keen, or eager; to excite; to stimulate;
      as, to whet the appetite or the courage.

            Since Cassius first did whet me against C[ae]sar, I
            have not slept.                       --Shak.

   {To whet on}, {To whet forward}, to urge on or forward; to
      instigate. --Shak.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     See {whet}

     v 1: make keen or more acute; "whet my appetite" [syn: {quicken}]
     2: sharpen by rubbing, as on a whetstone
     [also: {whetting}, {whetted}]
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