

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Whereabout \Where"a*bout`\, Whereabouts \Where"a*bouts`\, adv.
   1. About where; near what or which place; -- used
      interrogatively and relatively; as, whereabouts did you
      meet him?

   Note: In this sense, whereabouts is the common form.

   2. Concerning which; about which. ``The object whereabout
      they are conversant.'' --Hooker.

Whereabout \Where"a*bout`\, Whereabouts \Where"a*bouts`\, n.
   The place where a person or thing is; as, they did not know
   his whereabouts. --Shak.

         A puzzling notice of thy whereabout.     --Wordsworth.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adv : about where or near what place; "I don't know whereabouts
           the border will be drawn"; "whereabout do you live?"
           [syn: {whereabouts}]
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