

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Upland \Up"land\, n.
   1. High land; ground elevated above the meadows and intervals
      which lie on the banks of rivers, near the sea, or between
      hills; land which is generally dry; -- opposed to lowland,
      meadow, marsh, swamp, interval, and the like.

   2. The country, as distinguished from the neighborhood of
      towns. [Obs.]

Upland \Up"land\, a.
   1. Of or pertaining to uplands; being on upland; high in
      situation; as, upland inhabitants; upland pasturage.

            Sometimes, with secure delight The upland hamlets
            will invite.                          --Milton.

   2. Pertaining to the country, as distinguished from the
      neighborhood of towns; rustic; rude; unpolished. [Obs.] ``
      The race of upland giants.'' --Chapman.

   {Upland moccasin}. (Zo["o]l.) See {Moccasin}.

   {Upland sandpiper}, or {Upland plover} (Zo["o]l.), a large
      American sandpiper ({Bartramia longicauda}) much valued as
      a game bird. Unlike most sandpipers, it frequents fields
      and uplands. Called also {Bartramian sandpiper},
      {Bartram's tattler}, {field plover}, {grass plover},
      {highland plover}, {hillbird}, {humility}, {prairie
      plover}, {prairie pigeon}, {prairie snipe}, {papabote},
      {quaily}, and {uplander}.

   {Upland sumach} (Bot.), a North American shrub of the genus
      Rhus ({Rhus glabra}), used in tanning and dyeing.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj : used of high or hilly country [syn: {highland(a)}] [ant: {lowland}]

     n : elevated (e.g., mountainous) land [syn: {highland}] [ant: {lowland}]
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