

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: arousing no interest or attention or curiosity or
            excitement; "a very uninteresting account of her trip"
            [ant: {interesting}]
     2: characteristic or suggestive of an institution especially in
        being uniform or dull or unimaginative; "institutional

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

         1. Said of a problem that, although {nontrivial}, can
        be solved simply by throwing sufficient resources at it.
        2. Also said of problems for which a solution would neither
        advance the state of the art nor be fun to design and code.
        Hackers regard uninteresting problems as intolerable wastes of
        time, to be solved (if at all) by lesser mortals.  *Real*
        hackers (see {toolsmith}) generalise uninteresting problems
        enough to make them interesting and solve them - thus
        solving the original problem as a special case (and, it must
        be admitted, occasionally turning a molehill into a mountain,
        or a mountain into a tectonic plate).
        See {WOMBAT}, {SMOP}.  Compare {toy problem}.  Oppose
        [{Jargon File}]
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