

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Ungainly \Un*gain"ly\, a. [OE. ungeinliche, adv., fr. ungein
   inconvenient; un- + Icel. gegn ready, serviceable; adv.,
   against, opposite. See {Un-} not, and {Gain}, a., {Again}.]
   1. Not gainly; not expert or dexterous; clumsy; awkward;
      uncouth; as, an ungainly strut in walking.

            His ungainly figure and eccentric manners.

   2. Unsuitable; unprofitable. [Obs.] --Hammond.

Ungainly \Un*gain"ly\, adv.
   In an ungainly manner.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: lacking grace in movement or posture; "a gawky lad with long
            ungainly legs"; "clumsy fingers"; "what an ungainly
            creature a giraffe is"; "heaved his unwieldy figure
            out of his chair" [syn: {gawky}, {clumsy}, {clunky}, {unwieldy}]
     2: difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape;
        "an awkward bundle to carry"; "a load of bunglesome
        paraphernalia"; "clumsy wooden shoes"; "the cello, a
        rather ungainly instrument for a girl" [syn: {awkward}, {bunglesome},
     [also: {ungainliest}, {ungainlier}]
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