
the road

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

      Now strike your saile, ye jolly mariners, For we be come
      unto a quiet rode [road].                   --Spenser.

   {On}, or {Upon}, {the road}, traveling or passing over a
      road; coming or going; on the way.

            My hat and wig will soon be here, They are upon the
            road.                                 --Cowper.

   {Road agent}, a highwayman, especially on the stage routes of
      the unsettled western parts of the United States; -- a
      humorous euphemism. [Western U.S.]

            The highway robber -- road agent he is quaintly
            called.                               --The century.

   {Road book}, a quidebook in respect to roads and distances.

   {Road metal}, the broken, stone used in macadamizing roads.

   {Road roller}, a heavy roller, or combinations of rollers,
      for making earth, macadam, or concrete roads smooth and
      compact. -- often driven by steam.

   {Road runner} (Zo["o]l.), the chaparral cock.

   {Road steamer}, a locomotive engine adapted to running on
      common roads.

   {To go on the road}, to engage in the business of a
      commercial traveler. [Colloq.]

   {To take the road}, to begin or engage in traveling.

   {To take to the road}, to engage in robbery upon the

   Syn: Way; highway; street; lane; pathway; route; passage;
        course. See {Way}.
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