
the bends

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Bend \Bend\, n. [See {Bend}, v. t., and cf. {Bent}, n.]
   1. A turn or deflection from a straight line or from the
      proper direction or normal position; a curve; a crook; as,
      a slight bend of the body; a bend in a road.

   2. Turn; purpose; inclination; ends. [Obs.]

            Farewell, poor swain; thou art not for my bend.

   3. (Naut.) A knot by which one rope is fastened to another or
      to an anchor, spar, or post. --Totten.

   4. (Leather Trade) The best quality of sole leather; a butt.
      See {Butt}.

   5. (Mining) Hard, indurated clay; bind.

   6. pl. (Med.) same as {caisson disease}. Usually referred to
      as {the bends}.

   {Bends of a ship}, the thickest and strongest planks in her
      sides, more generally called wales. They have the beams,
      knees, and foothooks bolted to them. Also, the frames or
      ribs that form the ship's body from the keel to the top of
      the sides; as, the midship bend.
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