

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Tetanic \Te*tan"ic\, a. [Cf. L. tetanicus suffering from
   tetanus, Gr. ?, F. t['e]tanique.]
   1. (Physiol.) Of or pertaining to tetanus; having the
      character of tetanus; as, a tetanic state; tetanic

            This condition of muscle, this fusion of a number of
            simple spasms into an apparently smooth, continuous
            effort, is known as tetanus, or tetanic contraction.

   2. (Physiol. & Med.) Producing, or tending to produce,
      tetanus, or tonic contraction of the muscles; as, a
      tetanic remedy. See {Tetanic}, n.

Tetanic \Te*tan"ic\, n. (Physiol. & Med.)
   A substance (notably nux vomica, strychnine, and brucine)
   which, either as a remedy or a poison, acts primarily on the
   spinal cord, and which, when taken in comparatively large
   quantity, produces tetanic spasms or convulsions.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: of or relating to or causing tetany
     2: of or relating to or causing tetanus
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