

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Terrene \Ter*rene"\, n. [L. terrenum land, ground: cf. F.
   1. The earth's surface; the earth. [Poetic]

            Tenfold the length of this terrene.   --Milton.

   2. (Surv.) The surface of the ground.

Terrene \Ter*rene"\, n.
   A tureen. [Obs.] --Walpole.

Terrene \Ter*rene"\, a. [L. terrenus, fr. terra the earth. See
   1. Of or pertaining to the earth; earthy; as, terrene
      substance. --Holland.

   2. Earthy; terrestrial.

            God set before him a mortal and immortal life, a
            nature celestial and terrene.         --Sir W.

            Be true and faithful to the king and his heirs, and
            truth and faith to bear of life and limb, and
            terrene honor.                        --O. Eng. Oath
                                                  of Allegiance,
                                                  quoted by

            Common conceptions of the matters which lie at the
            basis of our terrene experience.      --Hickok.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: of or relating to or inhabiting the land as opposed to the
            sea or air [syn: {tellurian}, {telluric}, {terrestrial}]
     2: belonging to this earth or world; not ideal or heavenly;
        "not a fairy palace; yet a mundane wonder of unimagined
        kind"; "so terrene a being as himself" [syn: {mundane}]
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