

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Tense \Tense\, a. [L. tensus, p. p. of tendere to stretch. See
   {Tend} to move, and cf. {Toise}.]
   Stretched tightly; strained to stiffness; rigid; not lax; as,
   a tense fiber.

         The temples were sunk, her forehead was tense, and a
         fatal paleness was upon her.             --Goldsmith.
   -- {Tense"ly}, adv. -- {Tense"ness}, n.

Tense \Tense\, n. [OF. tens, properly, time, F. temps time,
   tense. See {Temporal} of time, and cf. {Thing}.] (Gram.)
   One of the forms which a verb takes by inflection or by
   adding auxiliary words, so as to indicate the time of the
   action or event signified; the modification which verbs
   undergo for the indication of time.

   Note: The primary simple tenses are three: those which
         express time past, present, and future; but these admit
         of modifications, which differ in different languages.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     v 1: stretch or force to the limit; "strain the rope" [syn: {strain}]
     2: increase the tension on; "tense a rope"
     3: become tense or tenser; "He tensed up when he saw his
        opponent enter the room" [syn: {tense up}] [ant: {relax}]
     4: make tense and uneasy or nervous or anxious; [syn: {strain},
         {tense up}] [ant: {relax}, {relax}]

     adj 1: in or of a state of physical or nervous tension [ant: {relaxed}]
     2: pronounced with relatively tense tongue muscles (e.g., the
        vowel sound in `beat') [ant: {lax}]
     3: taut or rigid; stretched tight; "tense piano strings" [ant:

     n : a grammatical category of verbs used to express distinctions
         of time

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

        Of programs, very clever and efficient.  A tense piece of code
        often got that way because it was highly {bum}med, but
        sometimes it was just based on a great idea.  A comment in a
        clever routine by Mike Kazar, once a grad-student hacker at
        CMU: "This routine is so tense it will bring tears to your
        eyes."  A tense programmer is one who produces tense code.
        [{Jargon File}]
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