

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Temple \Tem"ple\, n.
   1. (Mormon Ch.) A building dedicated to the administration of

   2. A local organization of Odd Fellows.

Temple \Tem"ple\, n. [Cf. {Templet}.] (Weaving)
   A contrivence used in a loom for keeping the web stretched

Temple \Tem"ple\, n. [OF. temple, F. tempe, from L. tempora,
   tempus; perhaps originally, the right place, the fatal spot,
   supposed to be the same word as tempus, temporis, the fitting
   or appointed time. See {Temporal} of time, and cf. {Tempo},
   {Tense}, n.]
   1. (Anat.) The space, on either side of the head, back of the
      eye and forehead, above the zygomatic arch and in front of
      the ear.

   2. One of the side bars of a pair of spectacles, jointed to
      the bows, and passing one on either side of the head to
      hold the spectacles in place.

Temple \Tem"ple\, v. t.
   To build a temple for; to appropriate a temple to; as, to
   temple a god. [R.] --Feltham.

Temple \Tem"ple\, n. [AS. tempel, from L. templum a space marked
   out, sanctuary, temple; cf. Gr. ? a piece of land marked off,
   land dedicated to a god: cf. F. t['e]mple, from the Latin.
   Cf. {Contemplate}.]
   1. A place or edifice dedicated to the worship of some deity;
      as, the temple of Jupiter at Athens, or of Juggernaut in
      India. ``The temple of mighty Mars.'' --Chaucer.

   2. (Jewish Antiq.) The edifice erected at Jerusalem for the
      worship of Jehovah.

            Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch.
                                                  --John x. 23.

   3. Hence, among Christians, an edifice erected as a place of
      public worship; a church.

            Can he whose life is a perpetual insult to the
            authority of God enter with any pleasure a temple
            consecrated to devotion and sanctified by prayer?

   4. Fig.: Any place in which the divine presence specially
      resides. ``The temple of his body.'' --John ii. 21.

            Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that
            the spirit of God dwelleth in you?    --1 Cor. iii.

            The groves were God's first temples.  --Bryant.

   {Inner Temple}, & {Middle Temple}, two buildings, or ranges
      of buildings, occupied by two inns of court in London, on
      the site of a monastic establishment of the Knights
      Templars, called the Temple.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: place of worship consisting of an edifice for the worship of
          a deity
     2: the flat area on either side of the forehead; "the veins in
        his temple throbbed"
     3: an edifice devoted to special or exalted purposes
     4: (Judaism) the place of worship for a Jewish congregation
        [syn: {synagogue}, {tabernacle}]
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