

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Strychnine \Strych"nine\, n. [L. strychnos a kind of nightshade,
   Gr. ?: cf. F. strychnine.] (Chem.)
   A very poisonous alkaloid resembling brucine, obtained from
   various species of plants, especially from species of
   {Loganiace[ae]}, as from the seeds of the St. Ignatius bean
   ({Strychnos Ignatia}) and from nux vomica. It is obtained as
   a white crystalline substance, having a very bitter acrid
   taste, and is employed in medicine (chiefly in the form of
   the sulphate) as a powerful neurotic stimulant. Called also
   {strychnia}, and formerly {strychnina}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : an alkaloid plant toxin extracted chiefly from nux vomica;
         formerly used as a stimulant
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