

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Strain \Strain\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Strained}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Straining}.] [OF. estraindre, estreindre, F. ['e]treindre,
   L. stringere to draw or bind tight; probably akin to Gr. ? a
   halter, ? that which is squeezwd out, a drop, or perhaps to
   E. strike. Cf. {Strangle}, {Strike}, {Constrain}, {District},
   {Strait}, a. {Stress}, {Strict}, {Stringent}.]
   1. To draw with force; to extend with great effort; to
      stretch; as, to strain a rope; to strain the shrouds of a
      ship; to strain the cords of a musical instrument. ``To
      strain his fetters with a stricter care.'' --Dryden.

   2. (Mech.) To act upon, in any way, so as to cause change of
      form or volume, as forces on a beam to bend it.

   3. To exert to the utmost; to ply vigorously.

            He sweats, Strains his young nerves.  --Shak.

            They strain their warbling throats To welcome in the
            spring.                               --Dryden.

   4. To stretch beyond its proper limit; to do violence to, in
      the matter of intent or meaning; as, to strain the law in
      order to convict an accused person.

            There can be no other meaning in this expression,
            however some may pretend to strain it. --Swift.

   5. To injure by drawing, stretching, or the exertion of
      force; as, the gale strained the timbers of the ship.

   6. To injure in the muscles or joints by causing to make too
      strong an effort; to harm by overexertion; to sprain; as,
      to strain a horse by overloading; to strain the wrist; to
      strain a muscle.

            Prudes decayed about may track, Strain their necks
            with looking back.                    --Swift.

   7. To squeeze; to press closely.

            Evander with a close embrace Strained his departing
            friend.                               --Dryden.

   8. To make uneasy or unnatural; to produce with apparent
      effort; to force; to constrain.

            He talks and plays with Fatima, but his mirth Is
            forced and strained.                  --Denham.

            The quality of mercy is not strained. --Shak.

   9. To urge with importunity; to press; as, to strain a
      petition or invitation.

            Note, if your lady strain his entertainment. --Shak.

   10. To press, or cause to pass, through a strainer, as
       through a screen, a cloth, or some porous substance; to
       purify, or separate from extraneous or solid matter, by
       filtration; to filter; as, to strain milk through cloth.

   {To strain a point}, to make a special effort; especially, to
      do a degree of violence to some principle or to one's own

   {To strain courtesy}, to go beyond what courtesy requires; to
      insist somewhat too much upon the precedence of others; --
      often used ironically. --Shak.

Strained \Strained\, a.
   1. Subjected to great or excessive tension; wrenched;
      weakened; as, strained relations between old friends.

   2. Done or produced with straining or excessive effort; as,
      his wit was strained.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: lacking natural ease; "a labored style of debating" [syn: {labored},
     2: under great stress; "her voice was strained as she asked the
     3: lacking spontaneity; not natural; "a constrained smile";
        "forced heartiness"; "a strained smile" [syn: {constrained},
     4: struggling for effect; "agonistic poses" [syn: {agonistic}]
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