

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Stir \Stir\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Stirred}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Stirring}.] [OE. stiren, steren, sturen, AS. styrian;
   probably akin to D. storen to disturb, G. st["o]ren, OHG.
   st[=o]ren to scatter, destroy. [root]166.]
   1. To change the place of in any manner; to move.

            My foot I had never yet in five days been able to
            stir.                                 --Sir W.

   2. To disturb the relative position of the particles of, as
      of a liquid, by passing something through it; to agitate;
      as, to stir a pudding with a spoon.

            My mind is troubled, like a fountain stirred.

   3. To bring into debate; to agitate; to moot.

            Stir not questions of jurisdiction.   --Bacon.

   4. To incite to action; to arouse; to instigate; to prompt;
      to excite. ``To stir men to devotion.'' --Chaucer.

            An Ate, stirring him to blood and strife. --Shak.

            And for her sake some mutiny will stir. --Dryden.

   Note: In all senses except the first, stir is often followed
         by up with an intensive effect; as, to stir up fire; to
         stir up sedition.

   Syn: To move; incite; awaken; rouse; animate; stimulate;
        excite; provoke.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     v 1: move an implement through with a circular motion; "stir the
          soup"; "stir my drink"
     2: move very slightly; "He shifted in his seat" [syn: {shift},
        {budge}, {agitate}]
     3: stir feelings in; "stimulate my appetite"; "excite the
        audience"; "stir emotions" [syn: {stimulate}, {excite}]
     4: stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of; "These stories
        shook the community"; "the civil war shook the country"
        [syn: {stimulate}, {shake}, {shake up}, {excite}]
     5: affect emotionally; "A stirring movie"; "I was touched by
        your kind letter of sympathy" [syn: {touch}]
     6: evoke or call forth, with or as if by magic; "raise the
        specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the
        air"; "stir a disturbance"; "call down the spirits from
        the mountain" [syn: {raise}, {conjure}, {conjure up}, {invoke},
         {evoke}, {call down}, {arouse}, {bring up}, {put forward},
         {call forth}]
     7: to begin moving, "As the thunder started the sleeping
        children began to stir" [syn: {arouse}]
     8: mix or add by stirring; "Stir nuts into the dough"
     [also: {stirring}, {stirred}]

     n 1: a disorderly outburst or tumult; "they were amazed by the
          furious disturbance they had caused" [syn: {disturbance},
           {disruption}, {commotion}, {flutter}, {hurly burly}, {to-do},
           {hoo-ha}, {hoo-hah}, {kerfuffle}]
     2: emotional agitation and excitement
     3: a rapid bustling commotion [syn: {bustle}, {hustle}, {flurry},
         {ado}, {fuss}]
     [also: {stirring}, {stirred}]

     adj 1: emotionally affected; "very touched by the stranger's
            kindness" [syn: {affected(p)}, {stirred(p)}, {touched(p)}]
     2: emotionally aroused [syn: {stimulated}, {stirred up}, {aroused}]
     3: set into a usually circular motion in order to mix or blend

     See {stir}
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