

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Static \Stat"ic\, Statical \Stat"ic*al\, a. [Gr. ? causing to
   stand, skilled in weighing, fr. ? to cause to stand: cf. F.
   statique. See {Stand}, and cf. {Stage}.]
   1. Resting; acting by mere weight without motion; as,
      statical pressure; static objects.

   2. Pertaining to bodies at rest or in equilibrium.

   {Statical electricity}. See Note under {Electricity}, 1.

   {Statical moment}. See under {Moment}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: a crackling or hissing noise cause by electrical
          interference [syn: {atmospherics}, {atmospheric static}]
     2: angry criticism; "they will probably give you a lot of
        static about your editorial"

     adj 1: not active or moving; "a static village community and a
            completely undynamic type of agriculture"; "static
            feudal societies" [syn: {unchanging}]
     2: not in physical motion; "the inertia of an object at rest"
        [syn: {inactive}, {motionless}, {still}]
     3: concerned with or producing or caused by static electricity;
        "an electrostatic generator produces high-voltage static
        electricity" [syn: {electrostatic}]
     4: showing little if any change; "a static population" [syn: {stable},
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