

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Starve \Starve\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Starved}; p. pr. & vb. n.
   {Starving}.] [OE. sterven to die, AS. steorfan; akin to D.
   sterven, G. sterben, OHG. sterban, Icel. starf labor, toil.]
   1. To die; to perish. [Obs., except in the sense of perishing
      with cold or hunger.] --Lydgate.

            In hot coals he hath himself raked . . . Thus
            starved this worthy mighty Hercules.  --Chaucer.

   2. To perish with hunger; to suffer extreme hunger or want;
      to be very indigent.

            Sometimes virtue starves, while vice is fed. --Pope.

   3. To perish or die with cold. --Spenser.

            Have I seen the naked starve for cold? --Sandys.

            Starving with cold as well as hunger. --W. Irving.

   Note: In this sense, still common in England, but rarely used
         of the United States.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj : suffering from lack of food [syn: {starved}]
     n : the act of depriving of food or subjecting to famine; "the
         beseigers used starvation to induce surrender"; "they
         were charged with the starvation of children in their
         care" [syn: {starvation}]
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