
starboard watch

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

   Note: Watches are often distinguished by the kind of
         escapement used, as an {anchor watch}, a {lever watch},
         a {chronometer watch}, etc. (see the Note under
         {Escapement}, n., 3); also, by the kind of case, as a
         {gold} or {silver watch}, an {open-faced watch}, a
         {hunting watch}, or {hunter}, etc.

   6. (Naut.)
      (a) An allotted portion of time, usually four hour for
          standing watch, or being on deck ready for duty. Cf.
      (b) That part, usually one half, of the officers and crew,
          who together attend to the working of a vessel for an
          allotted time, usually four hours. The watches are
          designated as the {port watch}, and the {starboard

   {Anchor watch} (Naut.), a detail of one or more men who keep
      watch on deck when a vessel is at anchor.

   {To be on the watch}, to be looking steadily for some event.

   {Watch and ward} (Law), the charge or care of certain
      officers to keep a watch by night and a guard by day in
      towns, cities, and other districts, for the preservation
      of the public peace. --Wharton. --Burrill.

   {Watch and watch} (Naut.), the regular alternation in being
      on watch and off watch of the two watches into which a
      ship's crew is commonly divided.

   {Watch barrel}, the brass box in a watch, containing the

   {Watch bell} (Naut.), a bell struck when the half-hour glass
      is run out, or at the end of each half hour. --Craig.

   {Watch bill} (Naut.), a list of the officers and crew of a
      ship as divided into watches, with their stations.

   {Watch case}, the case, or outside covering, of a watch;
      also, a case for holding a watch, or in which it is kept.

   {Watch chain}. Same as {watch guard}, below.

   {Watch clock}, a watchman's clock; see under {Watchman}.

   {Watch fire}, a fire lighted at night, as a signal, or for
      the use of a watch or guard.

   {Watch glass}.
      (a) A concavo-convex glass for covering the face, or dial,
          of a watch; -- also called {watch crystal}.
      (b) (Naut.) A half-hour glass used to measure the time of
          a watch on deck.
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