
sea breeze

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Breeze \Breeze\, n. [F. brise; akin to It. brezza breeze, Sp.
   briza, brisa, a breeze from northeast, Pg. briza northeast
   wind; of uncertain origin; cf. F. bise, Pr. bisa, OHG. bisa,
   north wind, Arm. biz northeast wind.]
   1. A light, gentle wind; a fresh, soft-blowing wind.

            Into a gradual calm the breezes sink. --Wordsworth.

   2. An excited or ruffed state of feeling; a flurry of
      excitement; a disturbance; a quarrel; as, the discovery
      produced a breeze. [Colloq.]

   {Land breeze}, a wind blowing from the land, generally at

   {Sea breeze}, a breeze or wind blowing, generally in the
      daytime, from the sea.

资料来源 : WordNet®

sea breeze
     n : a cooling breeze from the sea (during the daytime)
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