
screech martin

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Swift \Swift\, n.
   1. The current of a stream. [R.] --Walton.

   2. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous species of small,
      long-winged, insectivorous birds of the family
      {Micropodid[ae]}. In form and habits the swifts resemble
      swallows, but they are destitute of complex vocal muscles
      and are not singing birds, but belong to a widely
      different group allied to the humming birds.

   Note: The common European swift ({Cypselus, or Micropus,
         apus}) nests in church steeples and under the tiles of
         roofs, and is noted for its rapid flight and shrill
         screams. It is called also {black martin}, {black
         swift}, {hawk swallow}, {devil bird}, {swingdevil},
         {screech martin}, and {shreik owl}. The common
         American, or chimney, swift ({Ch[ae]tura pelagica}) has
         sharp rigid tips to the tail feathers. It attaches its
         nest to the inner walls of chimneys, and is called also
         {chimney swallow}. The Australian swift ({Ch[ae]tura
         caudacuta}) also has sharp naked tips to the tail
         quills. The European Alpine swift ({Cypselus melba}) is
         whitish beneath, with a white band across the breast.
         The common Indian swift is {Cypselus affinis}. See also
         {Palm swift}, under {Palm}, and {Tree swift}, under

   3. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of several species of lizards, as the
      pine lizard.

   4. (Zo["o]l.) The ghost moth. See under {Ghost}.

   5. [Cf. {Swivel}.] A reel, or turning instrument, for winding
      yarn, thread, etc.; -- used chiefly in the plural.

   6. The main card cylinder of a flax-carding machine.
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