

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Schism \Schism\, n. [OE. scisme, OF. cisme, scisme, F. schisme,
   L. schisma, Gr. schi`sma, fr. schi`zein to split; akin to L.
   scindere, Skr. chid, and prob. to E. shed, v.t. (which see);
   cf. {Rescind}, {Schedule}, {Zest}.]
   Division or separation; specifically (Eccl.), permanent
   division or separation in the Christian church; breach of
   unity among people of the same religious faith; the offense
   of seeking to produce division in a church without
   justifiable cause.

         Set bounds to our passions by reason, to our errors by
         truth, and to our schisms by charity.    --Eikon

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n : division of a group into opposing factions; "another schism
         like that and they will wind up in bankruptcy" [syn: {split}]
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