

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

         A {Scheme} {compiler} written in {C} that emits C
        and is embeddable in C.  Scheme-to-C was written by Joel
        Bartlett of {Digital Western Research Laboratory}.  Version
        15mar93 translates a superset of Revised**4 Scheme to C that
        is then compiled by the {native} {C} compiler for the {target
        machine}.  This design results in a portable system that
        allows either stand-alone Scheme programs or programs written
        in both compiled and interpreted Scheme and other languages.
        It supports "{expansion passing style}" {macros}, {foreign
        function} calls, {records}, and interfaces to {Xlib} ({Ezd}
        and {Scix}).
        Scheme-to-C runs on {VAX}, {ULTRIX}, {DECstation}, {Alpha AXP}
        {OSF}/1, {Windows 3.1}, {Apple Macintosh} 7.1, {HP 9000/300},
        {HP 9000/700}, {Sony News}, {SGI} {Iris} and {Harris}
        {Nighthawk}, and other {Unix}-like {88000} systems.  The
        earlier 01nov91 version runs on {Amiga}, {SunOS}, {NeXT}, and
        {Apollo} systems.
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