

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Retributive \Re*trib"u*tive\, Retributory \Re*trib"u*to*ry\, a.
   [Cf. LL. retributorius worthy of retribution.]
   Of or pertaining to retribution; of the nature of
   retribution; involving retribution or repayment; as,
   retributive justice; retributory comforts.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     adj 1: of or relating to or having the nature of retribution;
            "retributive justice demands an eye for an eye" [syn:
            {retaliatory}, {relatiative}, {retributive}, {vindicatory}]
     2: given or inflicted in requital according to merits or
        deserts; "retributive justice" [syn: {retributive}, {vindicatory}]
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