资料来源 : pyDict
资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)
Reservoir \Res"er*voir`\ (r[e^]z"[~e]r*vw[^o]r`; 277), n. [F.
r['e]servoir, fr. LL. reservatorium. See {Reservatory}.]
1. A place where anything is kept in store; especially, a
place where water is collected and kept for use when
wanted, as to supply a fountain, a canal, or a city by
means of aqueducts, or to drive a mill wheel, or the like.
2. (Bot.) A small intercellular space, often containing
resin, essential oil, or some other secreted matter.
{Receiving reservoir} (Water Works), a principal reservoir
into which an aqueduct or rising main delivers water, and
from which a distributing reservoir draws its supply.
资料来源 : WordNet®
n 1: a large or extra supply of something; "a reservoir of
2: lake used to store water for community use [syn: {artificial
3: tank used for collecting and storing a liquid (as water or
4: anything (a person or animal or plant or substance) in which
an infectious agent normally lives and multiplies; "an
infectious agent depends on a reservoir for its survival"
[syn: {source}]