
res gestae

资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Res \Res\ (r?z), n.; pl. {Res}. [L.]
   A thing; the particular thing; a matter; a point.

   {Res gest[ae]} [L., things done] (Law), the facts which form
      the environment of a litigated issue. --Wharton.

   {Res judicata} [L.] (Law), a thing adjudicated; a matter no
      longer open to controversy.

资料来源 : WordNet®

res gestae
     n 1: rule of evidence that covers words that are so closely
          associated with an occurrence that the words are
          considered part of the occurrence and as such their
          report does not violate the hearsay rule
     2: things done
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