

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Repel \Re*pel"\, v. i.
   To act with force in opposition to force impressed; to
   exercise repulsion.

Repel \Re**pel"\ (r?-p?l"), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Repelled}
   (-p?ld"); p. pr. & vb. n. {Repelling}.] [L. repellere,
   repulsum; pref. re- re- + pellere to drive. See {Pulse} a
   beating, and cf. {Repulse}, {Repeal}.]
   1. To drive back; to force to return; to check the advance
      of; to repulse as, to repel an enemy or an assailant.

            Hippomedon repelled the hostile tide. --Pope.

            They repelled each other strongly, and yet attracted
            each other strongly.                  --Macaulay.

   2. To resist or oppose effectually; as, to repel an assault,
      an encroachment, or an argument.

            [He] gently repelled their entreaties. --Hawthorne.

   Syn: Tu repulse; resist; oppose; reject; refuse.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     v 1: cause to move back by force or influence; "repel the enemy";
          "push back the urge to smoke"; "beat back the invaders"
          [syn: {drive}, {repulse}, {force back}, {push back}, {beat
          back}] [ant: {attract}]
     2: be repellent to; cause aversion in [syn: {repulse}] [ant: {attract}]
     3: force or drive back; "repel the attacker"; "fight off the
        onslaught"; "rebuff the attack" [syn: {repulse}, {fight
        off}, {rebuff}, {drive back}]
     4: reject outright and bluntly; "She snubbed his proposal"
        [syn: {rebuff}, {snub}]
     5: fill with distaste; "This spoilt food disgusts me" [syn: {disgust},
         {gross out}, {revolt}]
     [also: {repelling}, {repelled}]
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