

资料来源 : pyDict


资料来源 : Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)

Remembrance \Re*mem"brance\ (-brans), n. [OF. remembrance.]
   1. The act of remembering; a holding in mind, or bringing to
      mind; recollection.

            Lest fierce remembrance wake my sudden rage.

            Lest the remembrance of his grief should fail.

   2. The state of being remembered, or held in mind; memory;

            This, ever grateful, in remembrance bear. --Pope.

   3. Something remembered; a person or thing kept in memory.

   4. That which serves to keep in or bring to mind; a memorial;
      a token; a memento; a souvenir; a memorandum or note of
      something to be remembered.

            And on his breast a bloody cross he bore, The dear
            remembrance of his dying Lord.        --Spenser.

            Keep this remembrance for thy Julia's sake. --Shak.

   5. Something to be remembered; counsel; admoni??on;
      instruction. [Obs.] --Shak.

   6. Power of remembering; reach of personal knowledge; period
      over which one's memory extends.

            Thee I have heard relating what was done Ere my
            remembrance.                          --Milton.

   Syn: Recollection; reminiscence. See {Memory}.

资料来源 : WordNet®

     n 1: the ability to recall past occurrences [syn: {recollection},
     2: a recognition of meritorious service [syn: {memorial}, {commemoration}]
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