
register transfer language

资料来源 : Free On-Line Dictionary of Computing

Register Transfer Language
        (RTL) 1. A kind of {hardware description language} (HDL) used
        in describing the {register}s of a computer or digital
        electronic system, and the way in which data is transferred
        between them.
        2.  An intermediate code for a machine with an infinite number
        of {register}s, used for machine-independent optimisation.
        RTL was developed by Chris Fraser  and
        J. Davidson  at the {University of Arizona}
        in the early 1980s.  RTL is used by the {GNU} C compiler,
        {gcc} and by Davidson's {VPCC} (Very Portable C compiler).
        ["Quick Compilers Using Peephole Optimisation", Davidson et
        al, Soft. Prac. & Exp. 19(1):79-97 (Jan 1989)].
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